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Problems with the Fast Fashion Industry

2 min read

The fast fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental degradation and social injustice. Fast fashion refers to the production and sale of cheap, trendy clothing that is designed to be worn for a short period of time before being discarded. This business model relies on constant production of new styles to keep consumers coming back for more, leading to a culture of overconsumption and waste.

One of the major problems with fast fashion is its negative impact on labor conditions. Many fast fashion brands outsource their production to developing countries, where labor laws and regulations are often lax or non-existent. This can lead to workers being paid low wages, working long hours in unsafe conditions, and being subjected to abuse and exploitation. Fast fashion brands often turn a blind eye to these issues in order to maintain their low production costs and maximize profits.

Another major issue with fast fashion is its impact on the environment. The production of clothing requires large amounts of water, energy, and other resources, and the fast fashion industry has a particularly heavy ecological footprint. For example, it is estimated that it takes 2,700 liters of water to produce just one cotton t-shirt, and the fashion industry as a whole is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions. In addition, the fast fashion industry is a major contributor to pollution, both through the chemicals used in the production process and through the disposal of clothing.

PURPOSE Jewelry is a more sustainable and ethical brand because we are relentlessly committed to using socially responsible practices in all aspects of its business. 

Here at PURPOSE Jewelry, we are relentless about our supply chain to ensure the workers are treated fairly and paid a living wage. Every piece of PURPOSE Jewelry is handmade by women who are escaping from human trafficking and beneficiaries of our nonprofit International Sanctuary

Overall, the fast fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental degradation and social injustice, but PURPOSE Jewelry is a more sustainable and ethical brand that is committed to using environmentally and socially responsible practices in all aspects of its business. By choosing to support brands like PURPOSE Jewelry, consumers can make a positive impact on the world and help to create a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

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